Caring Places Management Is Expanding More Communities Into Memory Care Facilities To Meet Demands

For organizations that provide memory care support, it is important to continually evaluate the level of services provided to the community and residents of the organization.

Caring Places Management has been in tune with current residents and their families’ needs, delivering the best in memory support for those dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s. In response to the growing need to better accommodate residents and branch out and address those in the community who are seeking a memory care facility, Caring Places Management is expanding several Assisted Living Communities to include memory care services.

Our Excellent Communities

You may be familiar with our assisted living communities offering quality care to elderly residents across the Pacific Northwest. Within each community or facility is the desire to create a compassionate living environment, supporting the residents, their families, our employees, and the greater geographic community with freedom, dignity, safety, privacy, and a sense of well-being. To help fulfill this mission, we are modifying several of our established facilities to better serve the local area with access to memory care communities. The following communities will also provide memory care services:

In addition to these facilities undergoing a considerable makeover, Caring Places Management has also begun to transition two of our communities to exclusively address memory care needs. These communities are Carriage Place and Creekside Place. These communities had already had a physical design that allowed them to be more easily converted into memory care facilities without disrupting the residents and the norms created in the community. Each transition has taken into account the importance of minimal disruption to the routine and unique needs of those who reside in the facilities.

Our Excellent Care Model

The nature of dementia and subsequent forms of the disease, such as Alzheimer’s, creates a lot of fear, frustration, confusion, and disorientation for those who are experiencing it. Things can change day by day, leading individuals to unpredictable behaviors or responses to the changes their minds and bodies are going through. Because of these concerns, the environment of those living with such a condition is crucial. Having a soothing, calming, and positive environment has a significant impact on the patient’s well-being and daily quality of life.

It can be hard for family members or caregivers in a home environment to create a perfect, positive environment. It isn’t just about playing soothing music or giving the individual their quiet place to relax. It is important to minimize distractions, loud noises, or constant changes in schedule and routine. This is hard to do when teenage family members come and go, small children are playing, the house is disorganized or cluttered, or your work life and social life are always on the go. Memory care communities become a way of providing what dementia patients, and their caregivers or families, really need.

At Caring Places, our care model creates a positive environment that helps your loved one feel more at ease, happy, and confident. Rather than struggling to address noises and distractions, our facilities have common areas and personal spaces that remain calm and peaceful. Residents, even when experiencing cognitive degeneration, feel at home and safe in these familiar spaces. Those with memory issues can easily become agitated when things look out of place or unfamiliar, but our staff deals with these challenges with patience and activities to encourage residents to stay present with areas they can remember. Routine is important, and residents are encouraged to participate in the activities and schedule as they are able.

Rather than feeling guilty for moving your loved one into a memory care facility, Caring Places’ environment has been designed to make residents feel at home. The rooms are well-lit, with wide walkways that are easy to navigate. The colors are soothing, and residential areas are well-labeled to present a visual when memory lapse occurs. There are areas throughout the facilities that allow individuals to engage in hobbies or interests in a safe, supervised environment. Residents receive the same gentle care that family members would strive to provide.

Our Commitment To Your Peace of Mind

At Caring Places, we understand the fears, concerns, and emotions you may face as you worry about caring for a loved one. You may stay up at night wondering what to do and where to turn for help. The idea of moving someone to a facility shouldn’t be something you fear. We realize that you need assurances of the care and support your loved one will get. Our individualized care and service plans are designed in conjunction with your family members’ needs and health. We are committed to making this transition easy for you and your loved one. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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serving memory care, independent living, senior living, assisted living

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