6 Benefits of Pets for Seniors

Having a furry companion is helpful for people of all ages and comes with a host of benefits. Pets aren’t only fun to have around but can help reduce stress and anxiety and encourage physical exercise.

Health Benefits Of Animals For Seniors

Often, people who own pets live more active lives and are usually more healthy because of it. Seniors can benefit from having a four-legged friend in their lives. Pets can help increase social interaction and physical activity. Animals can reduce stress and help with managing anxiety. Pets are also great for encouraging physical activity. A study in The Journal of Physical Activity and Health found that dog owners tend to walk more per day than those without a furry friend.

1. Increased Fitness

One of the many incredible benefits of having a pet is higher physical activity levels. If you have a dog, some things to do with them are:

  • Go for a walk
  • Throw a ball or frisbee
  • Play at a dog park

Studies show that dog owners are more fit than an average person and tend to walk an hour more a day than those without a pet. These extra walks help with endurance, muscle strength, and getting vitamin D for a strong body.

2. Lower Stress and Anxiety

Emotional support animals are becoming much more common while researchers find a link between the stress hormone (cortisol) and the happy hormone, oxytocin, for pet owners.

Simply reaching down and petting an animal can lower cortisol rates and increase oxytocin. This rise in oxytocin can help combat stress, anxiety, and depression.

Many pet owners acknowledge a feeling of comfort when holding their pets which can help with anxiety. Senior citizens who struggle with Alzheimer’s and dementia can significantly benefit from lower anxiety and depression by getting a furry companion. Through repetitive petting, they can experience increased feelings of calm and tranquility.

3. Increased Happiness

Pets tend to fill a gap in your heart that you often didn’t know was there. When you’re having a bad day, coming home to a wagging tail or purring cat will instantly lift your mood.

With age comes loss一loss of friends and loss of work with retirement. It can be hard dealing with these emotions and sometimes not feeling a sense of purpose. Having a pet can add a new meaning to your life and bring happier days with it.

4. Decreased Blood Pressure

Heart health is a priority for senior citizens, especially those that suffer from high blood pressure. Pets are good for the heart! The extra walking every day and the reduced amount of stress result in lowered blood pressure.

5. Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides Levels

The warm fuzzy feeling pets leave in our hearts touches deep, but that love also translates into a healthier heart. High cholesterol and triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of a heart attack. By lowering these levels, you reduce your risk of heart disease, as well.

6. Social Benefits

Dogs are social animals and love to be around other dogs as well as people. They’re eager to meet new friends, and they make social interactions less uncomfortable with just their presence. Pets give their owners a sense of confidence and help them during social interactions.

Studies show people are more likely to approach and engage in conversation with someone else if a dog is present.

6a. Meet Other Pet Owners
It’s often easier to meet other people when you have a pet since pets are a common interest. When you go out for a walk, stop and say hello to your fellow neighbors out walking their dogs, too.

The dog park is an excellent place to meet other pet owners. You can sit on a bench, watch your dogs run around and play together while you enjoy some fresh air.

6b. Cure Loneliness
As you get older, kids move out of the house and sometimes live far away. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone at home. Having a pet to provide company and comfort is a great way to feel less lonely. Both dogs and cats enjoy finding comfort with their owners.

Find a Furry Friend

There are so many benefits to having pets! They can provide a companion to hang out with and cuddle up on cold days. Many of the Caring Places Management communities accept pets with a deposit. Make sure to ask the residential manager for more information.

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Having a furry companion is helpful for people of all ages and comes with a host of benefits.

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